Wellness Collective

Christianne Tomao

Christianne is an experienced pilates and yoga instructor and personal trainer specializing in various injuries and special populations, including osteoporosis, scoliosis, pre-natal, post-natal, and gait analysis. She obtained her pilates certification from the Kane School of Core Integration in 2010, her personal training certification from the Academy of Applied Personal Training Education with Hofstra University in 2003, and her yoga certification from YogaWorks. She has worked alongside Erika Bloom since 2011, serving as the brand’s education director and lead new-hire trainer for six years. Christianne is passionate about helping people regain balance and awareness, with a focus on biomechanics, alignment, and injury prevention.

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Erika Bloom Method Pilates

christiannetomao@gmail.com | (516) 987-0663

Thanh Ta

Thanh specializes in muscle activation/repatterning for functional movement. After a decade in somatics and over 15 years of pilates practice, Thanh received her 600+ hour certification with Erika Bloom. She is passionate about prenatal and postnatal training including diastasis repair and pelvic floor work. Her work is approachable for everyone from individuals looking for a workout or preparing for a role/event to special populations such as individuals with scoliosis, hip/knee/foot/back/shoulder pain, osteoporosis/osteopenia, injury rehabilitation, and chronic issues. Thanh’s sessions are designed to prevent and address injuries and dysfunction. Her clients are patiently challenged and experience profound results both functionally and aesthetically.

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Erika Bloom Method Pilates

talktothanh@gmail.com | (408) 464-2315

Dr Julie Von

Dr. Julie Von is a holistic doctor of acupuncture and master herbalist, specializing in fertility, stress, and women’s health. The energetic and intuitive work she shares is grounded in over 20+ years of rigorous clinical and medical experience and expertise. Her unique capacity and experience in both reproductive medicine and medical intuition make her an extraordinary advocate for her clients. Dr. Von believes that instead of defining ourselves on the basis of our symptoms, we can use them to identify the deepest root of who we are and what we must overcome in order to heal. Dr. Von’s book, Spiritual Fertility, was published by Hay House in 2019.

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Acupuncture | Acupressure | Spiritual Fertility

drvon@drjulievon.com | (646) 719-0075

Shauna Heather Hull 

Shauna has been improving clients’ wellbeing for over 12 years using pilates and other modalities to uncover the best version of themselves. Through training and research she has been able to help people find balance and confidence in their body as well as help to strengthen individuals from a more integrated system. With a background in Anatomy and Certified in Pilates, Pre and Post Natal Pilates, Pre/Post Menopause Nutrition and Training as well as certified in Functional Anatomy for Movement and Injuries, she is well rounded and able to meet people wherever they are in their training needs or health goals. Shauna works with clients to define individual health and lifestyle goals and creates a roadmap for their journey.

Schedule a Session

Erika Bloom Method Pilates

talktothanh@gmail.com | (408) 464-2315

Lily Marie Jahn

Lily Marie Jahn is a Brooklyn based Dance and Aerial Artist, Movement Researcher, 500 RYT Yoga teacher, fully certified Pilates instructor, and Certified GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® Trainer. Lily’s interest in movement research is rooted in the belief that movement is our most ancient form of communication. Lily has been fortunate to study with exceptionally talented master trainers at Rishikesh Yoga Home, and in the GYROTONIC® community as well as founder Juliu Horvath. She has taught Yoga,  GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® to private clients and group classes since 2011, and finds she is most at home while working with clients, guiding them in their own movement voice.

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Erika Bloom Method Pilates | GYROTONIC®

lilymariejahn@gmail.com | (802) 733-6767

Heran Haile 

Heran is a dedicated nurse and certified Pilates instructor with over ten years of expertise in movement dynamics and injury rehabilitation. Her journey has included supporting a range of clientele from pre and postnatal mothers rehab post surgery to assisting professional athletes during season and off. Witnessing the remarkable resilience of the human body firsthand has deeply enriched her understanding and passion for her work. Heran feels fortunate to pursue her calling, deriving profound satisfaction from empowering individuals to unlock their potential and feel their best.

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Erika Bloom Method Pilates


Claire Berngartt

Claire Berngartt is a Pilates luminary shaping holistic well-being. She crafts bespoke sessions harmonizing body and spirit. Focused on functional longevity, Claire releases movement inefficiencies, fostering natural breathing and effortless mobility.

Experience her blend of Erika Bloom Method Pilates, myofascial release, neuroscience-based breath work, meditation, Ayurvedic Yoga and her specialty, 3-D balancing on The Oov(R). This unique blend of rigorous training and playful exploration ensures that each of Claire’s sessions is not just effective but also deeply enjoyable and rejuvenating.

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Erika Bloom Method Pilates

claire@attnbody.com | ‭(919) 360-1704‬

Laure Seguin

Laure Seguin has developed her own recipe for beauty and wellness, combining Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Foot Reflexology, manual body lifting (inspired by the Japanese Technique of Hidemi Morimasa) and Facial treatments into a holistic approach. She is most well known for her Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage, which she learned while working with plastic surgeons in France. She further studied the technique at the Dr. Vodder International School in France. Laure also applies her Manual Lymphatic Drainage technique to her Signature Facial-resulting in an instant glow and natural face lift. She is a New York State licensed aesthetician.

Schedule a Session

Lymphatic Drainage Massage | Signature Facial | Foot Reflexology

laure_seguin@gmail.com | (718) 496-3612

Dr. Michael Shapiro


Dr. Michael Shapiro specializes in pain, sports, and orthopedic problems. As a doctor of Acupuncture, a holistic approach of mindfully addressing the body, mind, and spirit is taken to treat the stress, strain, and stagnation needed to optimize performance throughout life. Re-model your body from the inside out.

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Structural Integration | Health Coaching | Acupuncture | Lymphatic Drainage | Hypnosis | Mindfulness | Breathwork 

michael@immatherapy.com | (646) 236-2932

Karishma Kripalani

Karishma Kripalani MA, SEP, RCST, NARM, PCC is a somatics specialist certified in Biodynamic Craniosacral work, NARM®, Somatic Experiencing® and Transforming Touch®. She is a nervous system expert and skilled in trauma-informed care. Karishma offers attuned support for clients to shift away from survival reactions, toward greater choice and agency. Clients report deeper embodiment, an increased sense of possibility, and access to ways of knowing beyond the thinking brain. Because sometimes words are too much–and sometimes not enough– her sessions integrate talk and touch. At the EB Wellness Collective, Karishma offers the Amara Sessions; gentle and powerful integrative work to reconnect with the wisdom of the body.

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Amara Sessions


Serena-Marie Licastro 

Serena Marie Licastro, a renowned Licensed Massage Therapist and licensed aesthetician, has been at the forefront of the beauty and wellness industry for over 25 years. Her expertise extends to exceptional body work and targeted therapies. She utilizes the transformative techniques of The Feldenkrais Method and Myofascial Release to reconnect the body to its natural movements, seamlessly integrating the mind’s intentions with the body’s actions. Serena helps clients re-educate and retrain their bodies, moving away from harmful movement patterns and releasing unnecessary muscle tension. Each session with Serena is personalized to meet the unique needs of the individual. She empowers clients with practical tips for maintaining alignment and healthy movement patterns in their daily lives, fostering long-term health and vitality.

Schedule a Session

Lymphatic Contour | Trigger Point and Stretching | Prenatal | Thai Poultice | Deep Feet Silks | Signature Customized Session

Book Online | info@serenalicastro.com | (718) 909-3819

Eden Sky Orion

Eden Sky Orion is a New York City based astrologer, teacher, and wellbeing facilitator. Trained by Maria Leone in Los Angeles, she received her Pilates certification from Balanced Body in 2016. Eden sees Pilates as a deeply intelligent modality for longevity, physical fitness, and spiritual alignment, as the body is our most potent mirror for what’s going on within. What began as a decade-long passion and self exploration, Eden has been consulting and teaching astrology and Yoga Nidra meditation since 2020. She now blends the totality of her expertise in her signature class Heavenly Bodies. Eden holds a B.A. in religion and anthropology from Columbia University, where she is now pursuing a M.A. in clinical psychology with a concentration in spirituality and mind body practice. 

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Erika Bloom Method Pilates | Heavenly Bodies Yoga Nidra | Astrology Reading 


Becca Wagner 

Becca Wagner specializes in Human Design and Emotional Freedom Techniques, supporting individuals to create meaningful change. Whether in health, relationships, or business, Becca has supported hundreds to quickly and gently dissolve stress, anxiety, limiting beliefs, and address physical conditions by releasing their emotional contributors. Certified in Human Design by Jenna Zoe and trained in EFT by Tapping the Matrix Academy, Becca brings experience, heart, and intuition to each personalized session. She is passionate about facilitating deep self connection for her clients, helping them to reconnect with their body and wisdom for greater vitality, bliss, and self-integrity.

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Human Design | Emotional Freedom Techniques 

becca@liveyourhd.com | (573) 864-7252

Dr. Katrina Rinne

Dr. Katrina Rinne, DPT, is a women’s health, pelvic health, and orthopedic manual physical therapist and a movement educator with over 18 years of experience in the Pilates industry. She received her doctorate in physical therapy from Washington University in St. Louis in 2015 and she has completed extensive continuing education in orthopedic manual therapy, the fascial system, the pelvic floor, pregnancy and birth healing, trauma-informed care, and energetic healing modalities. Katrina approaches her work with clients from a biopsychosocial framework that considers all aspects of what it means to be human – the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual encounters we have in our daily lived experience.

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Pelvic Floor and Orthopedic Physical Therapy | Erika Bloom Method Pilates 


Julia Udine 

Julia is a Broadway actress who fell in love with Pilates for its ability to restore balance in her body after developing several injuries throughout her performing career. Julia received her 600+ hour certification through Erika Bloom. She has worked with clients of all levels, including those with various conditions or special populations ranging from injuries to pre/postnatal care, osteoporosis, scoliosis, chronic pain, and post-op rehabilitation. Julia uses her knowledge of biomechanics and body-reading to create a hands-on, customized session that helps clients restore balance, build strength, and create healthy movement patterns that can easily be transferred into daily life. Julia is a passionate teacher, and will ensure you feel challenged while encouraged.

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Erika Bloom Method Pilates

judine82@gmail.com | (609) 405-1098

Cassidy Forman 

Cassidy has over 10 years of experience in Pilates. Cassidy received her undergraduate degree at Wake Forest University and Master’s degree at Johns Hopkins University. Cassidy completed her certification through Gramercy Pilates NYC with a concentration on back pain and the role of sleep and stress to injury. She later completed her Advanced Therapeutic Practitioner training through Erika Bloom Pilates. Cassidy is also trained in the Melt Method, Z Health and is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach specializing in chronic pain. Cassidy combines movement, nutrition and mindfulness to assist in healing and whole body wellness.

Schedule a Session

Erika Bloom Method Pilates | Nutrition & Health Coaching

cassidyforman@gmail.com | (504) 610-3555

Mikelle Rindfish

Mikelle is a highly trained and passionate Pilates professional. Mikelle began working with clients in 2018 after receiving her Pilates Mat Certification and then expanded her teaching in 2022 through Erika Bloom’s Comprehensive Certification Program. In addition to traditional and contemporary Pilates exercises, Mikelle utilizes biomechanics, somatic exercises, and therapeutic techniques learned from Erika Bloom to restore the body back to balance in order to build functional strength and movement. With a warm and positive approach, Mikelle creates a supportive environment for each client to grow on their fitness journey.

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Erika Bloom Method Pilates


Oryan Gur

Oryan Gur was born and raised in Israel. She is an experienced theater and dance performer as well as highly trained pilates instructor. Oryan studied Ballet and Modern Dance with BAT-DOR dance company in Israel and the Institute of Modern Dance. She attended the Martha Graham school of contemporary dance in NYC and trained as a Pilates instructor with Balanced Body. Oryan loves the combination of body, mind, and spirit in Pilates. She believes this method allows us to work with the balance of thoughtful strength and flexibility  out of our joints with ease. She enjoys helping clients to feel the freedom in movement and the space it creates in both mind and body.

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Erika Bloom Method Pilates
